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Overcoming language barriers

No doubt that we have had numerous misunderstandings from time to time. But we both met each other at a stage in our lives where we both had experienced serious relationships in the past and were self-aware of how we wanted our future relationship to develop. I don't think it is down to fate that we are together, rather it is our similar personalities and attitudes towards life that keeps us together.

My nihonjin has been a positive influence in my life. This time last year, I often struggled to find reasons to be productive and get out of bed. Now it seems like its a race against time with all the things we want to do together. W'e're both home bodies and for the most part we stay at home together. My younger self couldn't bear to be around the same people in consecutive days. Yet, every day I wake up to the same face and I feel energised and ready to start a new day.

We both agree that being together is a lot of fun because we actively try to find the fun in what we do. We easily could get upset at each other, when we don't understand each other straight away. Instead we laugh at those very differences that we have. Instead of it being annoying, we find it endearing. Kawaii.

The mindset you have going into an interracial relationship is crucial. There will be more hurdles that you will have to face and overcome compared to someone who was in a typical relationship. As long as you're both willing to encourage and bring out the best in your partner, you don't need to over-complicate your relationship.

Girl: A first generation Vietnamese-Australian who is currently a full-time student in Melbourne. On the side, she fuels people's addiction to chocolate, binges on movies and smothers her dog with affection.

Boy: Currently a semi-professional soccer player and full-time student in Melbourne. Born and raised in Japan and has never been on a holiday. If he's not training for soccer he's reading about it or trying to perfect his Aussie accent.


This is our story.

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